SEO blogs help companies get their web pages among the first ranked in search engine rankings in order to better reach the three quarters of internet users who do not look beyond the first page of search results. SEO blogs also help companies reach as many people as possible in order to increase profit margins.
Almost 90 percent of internet users in the U.S. over the age of 14 research products online, as well as on social media sites, before purchasing them. The internet allows consumers to be more informed about the products they buy and SEO marketing can help companies get their products on the market. SEO blogs are written to focus around specific keywords that allow them to be located by search engines as relevant sources for the terms searched.
Studies have found that companies that use blogs as part of their website have 434 percent more indexed pages, and thus more leads. SEO blogs are not as strict in tone as SEO articles and can therefore be used to address a larger demographic of people by making them feel as if they were retrieving the information from a friend. Seo blogs cover a number of topics for a variety of companies and can be found through search engines such as Google, which is the most commonly used.
Google was not always as popular as it is today however, it was a research project originally, and had a very limited amount of space for storage. In fact, the founders at one point had used Lego bricks for a storage compartment to hold the 10 4GB hard drives that housed the PageRank algorithm. Since then, the search engine has become one of the main sources for marketing, and utilizes various aspects of the internet to communicate with consumers. In 2009, the company created its first Twitter message, which was binary code for the phrase Im feeling lucky.